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One listen to ‘See Beyond the Subject'' will uncover stories of love, spirituality and a familiar warmth, immersing you in the world of Frankie Statham.
CountrySide born singer-songwriter Frankie mixies genres of Surf Pop, Soul and Folk allowing him to creatively bring forward a unique sound to the music industry.
At a young age Frankie spent a lot of his childhood within nature, working at farms and nature reserves. Some may say this turned him into the old soul he is today at just 19 years of age.
His music gives a strong nod to Carol King with his 1st person lyricism found in certain tracks of his EP. He talks about growing up, teenage sweethearts, anxiety and Cornwall. Even though these topics may appear a little deep on the surface Frankie masterfully turns them upbeat sounding tracks.
Environmentally passionate Frankie says “It is so important to keep the world a healthy happy place, much like we spend most of our lives looking after ourselves and others. We must not forget the reason why we are here that being the thing that birthed us, mother earth” - Frankie.